Wednesday, 17 August 2016

A Quiet Week

It’s perhaps the quietest time of year for most wildlife, especially bird life. At this time of year lots of birds are molting and laying low. All of which makes being a wildlife blogger quite tricky at this time of year! Nonetheless I’ve been out photographing whatever I can find.
Before all that though, I have good news about the ban driven grouse shooting petition. It has now reached 100,000 signatures which means it will be considered for debate in parliament. The word ‘consider’ is important here; it doesn’t guarantee the subject will be debated but there’s a good chance. At the very least the issue and the public’s view on it will have reached the ears of the people who can do something about it.
It’s been warm and calm on the fishing lake recently but a few species have been frequenting its waters.
There’s usually the odd black-headed gull floating around the centre of the lake. They don’t seem to be doing much other than just floating there.
There’s lots of mallards around at the moment and they all appear to be females. Appearances can be deceptive though as at this time of year mallards moult and both genders look very similar.
I was surprised to spot a new bird species on the lake that I’ve never seen there before this week. This is an Egyptian Goose which is actually a non-native species. They were introduced as an ornamental waterfowl but their population is gradually increasing.
The RSPB say that most of their UK population is in Norfolk but I think the local population is probably growing. There has been a small population around Blashford Lakes for a little while and it appears they are happy to travel a short distance to find new habitats.
There are still a few dragonflies in the area too. This is a common darter, a maturing male.
There are also plenty of butterflies too, like this Speckled Wood.
I finally managed to spot one of this year’s buzzard chicks this afternoon. I hear them every time I go near the lake but they are housed in a small wood which is on private land. The constant screeching is instantly recognisable. I still didn’t get a good view today but I saw a the young buzzard preening on a rock on the edge of the woods.
I suspect the young buzzard(s) are not good news for the many rabbits that inhabit the local fields and hedgerows.
In the same field as the buzzard was the subject of today’s obligatory deer photo, a young roe deer.
The housing estate I live in has been mostly absent of bird life but if you look closely there are birds to see. Here’s a collared dove snoozing on our roof.
There’s usually plenty of starlings on the roofs and aerials in the late afternoon.

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